My name is Zuzana Pávková, I am an ophthalmologist which means that I specialize in eyes treatment. I have been practising in this field for more than 10 years. During my practise I took up also another specialization, namely facial cosmetic surgery. At my work I focus on fillers application (Botox or hyaluronic acid), as well as on the thread lifting. Since 2009 I have been working at the Eye Clinic in Prague (Horní Počernice).
I practise my skills and knowledge also in PRIMED Clinic, where I am an eye specialist and where I perform several types of cosmetic surgery, yet mainly upper eyelid and lower eyelid surgeries.
I would be very pleased to meet you in PRIMEC Clinic in person during individual consultancies and to find a solution for your eye problems. Don’t hesitate to make an appointment with me soon!
I have done my whole medical practice at the specialised eye clinic in Horní Počernice (the part of Prague), where they perform a wide range of treatments including among others standard ophthalmology examination, laser surgeries and diagnosis of ocular pathologies.
Apart from that I develop my experience also in the field of plastic surgery, particularly in the Aptos thread lifting and skin rejuvenating with the use of Botox and hyaluronic acid.
Due to my constant practice, I am able to continually enhance my skills and qualifications but at the same time I try to develop my scientific activity by writing professional books and articles and have them published. I constantly improve my practise by participating specialized courses and internships.
Do not hesitate to contact me if you want to solve your problems related to one of the aforementioned fields. As a woman I can offer you another way of approach to your problems than my male colleagues at work.
At PRIMED Clinic I am the main eye specialist. I perform wide range of surgeries, mainly upper eyelid and lower eyelid surgeries, skin rejuvenating and face lifting.
Due to the fact that I used to live in the region of Ostrava, my work in PRIMED Clinic is a kind of return to my roots. What is more, I have a great opportunity to work with the best specialists in plastic surgery who help me in enriching my knowledge and skills also in the field of some other specialisations.
Aptos niťový lifting pro pokročilé, Praha (2019) - Kurz aplikací nití Aptos, Praha (2018) - Diplom celoživotního vzdělávání (2017) ESASO: Cataract and intraocular refractive surgery. Lugano, Švýcarsko (2017) - Kurz aplikace botulotoxinu a výplní kyselinou hyaluronovou (2017) - Okuloplastický kurz: běžné poruchy víček a chirurgické postupy (2017) - Lifting pomocí biodermálních nití Bio-meyisun (2017) - Licence pro práci s femtosekundovým laserem LensX (2016) - Atestace v oboru oční lékařství (2015) - Stáž v Centru plastické chirurgie (periokulární oblast), FN Ostrava (2013) - Kurz estetické chirurgie obličeje pod vedením doc MUDr Měšťáka (2012) - Kurz základy plastické chirurgie pod vedením doc MUDr Měšťáka (2012) - Kataraktová škola, Benice (2012) - Základní kmen v oboru oční lékařství (2012) - Kurz vitreoretinální chirurgie, Monínec (2011) - 3. lékařská fakulta UK v Praze, obor všeobecné lékařství (2003-2009) - IFMSA klinická stáž, Hospital Geral de Santo Antonio, Porto, Portugalsko (2008)
Apart from the aforementioned, most important practices and courses, I regularly participate in many other workshops, seminars and courses focused both on plastic and aesthetic surgery as well as on eye treatments.
Dear clients,
our clinic is closed from 13/07/2024 to 18/08/2024, we are taking a vacation and gaining energy for another year full of your changes and fulfilled dreams.
During the summer break, contact us by email at info@primed.clinic, our assistants will be happy to assist you!
Yours PRIMED Clinic