
Liposuction - excess fat removal

about the intervention

Liposuction - excess fat removal

Sharpen your figure without unnecessary complications, quickly and reliably!

Increased body weight is a major problem especially because of increased health risks and aesthetic appearance. One possible solution is the surgical removal of body fat. Professionally, this process is referred to as extracting excess fat (liposuction). This is an aesthetic medical procedure, which has long been popular and has been offered at our clinic since 1992, which was originally called First Liposuction Clinic. By removing fat from various areas of your body, you can more easily sharpen the parts where you can not get rid of the excess fat. A side effect is a slight weight loss, and although liposuction cannot be considered a weight loss method, you will feel much better after it.

If you have any body parts that cannot lose fat, visit us at PRIMED Clinic for a free consultation. We will help you sharpen your figure in an optimal way.

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The distribution of fat in the human body is quite different for men and women. Gentlemen usually have it in the abdomen. Thanks to its accumulation, the shape of the figure is changing noticeably. The fat is deposited, among other places, in hips, where it is less noticeable but still visible. For women, it is typical to have fat accumulated in the hips, buttocks, waist and inner thighs, those are the locations we fix with tumescent liposuction or SlimLipo the most often. Sometimes the lower abdomen is also affected, mons veneris liposuction is common. Women are simply naturally inclined to have fat in multiple parts.
The most common pattern is when the fat comes to the hips and thighs. The body appears remotely like a pear. Otherwise, fat can build up in the abdomen. Everything is mostly dependant on the genes. Women get to a particular shape with the help of a wrong style of life.

We rarely experience complications in patients. It is worth mentioning there could appear an unevenness on the skin at the affected site. All of this is done rather quickly thanks to the recommended postoperative care, as well as appropriate massage techniques that will be explained to you at PRIMED Clinic.

Before undergoing any of the types of liposuction you will have to go through a preoperative examination. This will eliminate any potential risks. These may be associated with your current health condition.
Liposuction is not recommended when it is possible to get rid of excess kilograms by adjusting the diet in combination with physical activity. Then it is necessary to take into account the current health. People with heart problems or other serious illnesses are generally not recommended for liposuction. Realistic requirements of the patient are also important. It should be emphasized that liposuction is not a weight loss method. About 1500 to 2500 ml can be removed at once.

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Price start at 1 200 EUR

FAQ ABOUT liposuction

Getting ready for liposuction

The overall health of the person before the procedure is very important. You must not be suffering from any disease, you must not have skin diseases. It is also necessary to stop using blood-thinners. Pregnancy is out of the question.
You do not have to stop using your contraceptives.

The course of liposuction

The overall course of liposuction is very individual and depends mainly on the method used.
It is usually an outpatient treatment, after its performance, the patient will rest for the rest of that day and after a day or two, he/she can go to work if this is not a physically demanding job.

Postoperative course of liposuction

Sometimes a redressing is performed a day after surgery. In the days following we recommend resting to avoid swelling especially in the lower limbs. Removal of stitches, if applied, is performed approximately 14 days after the procedure.
Return to work itself is possible on the third day after surgery, provided it is not a physically demanding activity. We recommend returning to physical activities after about three weeks.