Are you over 45 years old? Do you plan to undergo breast augmentation or maybe you have already undergone it? In each case you should take breast ultrasound to be able to sleep well at night and to know if you are all right. And because we want to enable our clients to avoid problems with searching places where they can take the ultrasound and to ensure they can do everything in one building, we have added the breast ultrasound to the offer of our clinic!
Make your appointment and come to us. The whole procedure will be quick, discreet and reliable thanks to our team of specialists with many years of experience.
You don't need a referral from a doctor or specialist for a breast sonogram, so there's no need to prepare or make any preparations. Just make an appointment with us, come to our clinic and you will be done in a few minutes.
Due to safety reasons, the breast ultrasound examination is recommended to women, who:
- plan to undergo breast augmentation (breast ultrasound should be taken once in a year)
- have already undergone breast augmentation (breast ultrasound should be taken once in a year)
- are over 45. years (breast ultrasound should be taken twice a year)
We recommend to take the examination especially in case you feel something abnormal in your breasts or if you just want to check if everything is fine.
The ultrasound examination is a very quick procedure. First you need to undress behind the curtain and lie down on a medical bed.
Our doctor will put some gel on an ultrasound probe – this will help to move the probe easily on your skin. The doctor will see on the screen if everything is fine and whether there are any problematic areas.
The entire examination takes only a few minutes, usually after 10 minutes you can go home.
A report with the examination results will be sent to you by e-mail, nevertheless you will learn about the results in the course of the examination.
As the breast ultrasound is a non-invasive and safe examination (it is not any X-ray but the examination with the use of ultrasound waves, which are also used in pregnant women), you don’t have to worry about anything.
Breast ultrasound is very quick and painless procedure.
Dear clients,
our clinic is closed from 13/07/2024 to 18/08/2024, we are taking a vacation and gaining energy for another year full of your changes and fulfilled dreams.
During the summer break, contact us by email at info@primed.clinic, our assistants will be happy to assist you!
Yours PRIMED Clinic