
Breast reconstruction

about the intervention

Breast reconstruction

Beautiful and firm breasts, fully shaped and without worries!

Female breasts change during life. The biggest changes happen in adolescence, during pregnancy, and with increasing age. While the first two states are desirable for most women because they make the bust grow, the last one is unwanted by every woman. With age, breasts lose strength and are sagging more. Although it is a natural process, it is now possible to get around it. Breast reshaping (mammaplasty) will help your breasts rejuvenate.

Are you troubled by your sagging breasts? Order a free consultation at our clinic and thanks to our experts, your breasts will make you happy again!

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Mammaplasty is suitable for all women who are not happy with the shape of their breasts. It should be noted that it does not serve to enlarge them, only to make them firmer and improve their shape. In specific cases, however, at the client’s request, we perform reshaping together with breast enlargement or breast reduction and by reducing large areolas.
Breast applies particularly to women who:

- have sagging breasts due to the increasing age or significant weight loss,
- are affected by developmental breast disease (especially asymmetry),
- are not happy with the shape of their bust after pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Less common, of course, are other problems, such as breast cancer or breast disorders, leading to women being ashamed of their breasts. In this case, worrying is not in place. Come to us and together we will find a solution that will make you feel confident again.

Every time a new patient comes to us, we first ask about her problem. She herself can best express her mind and what she wants to change. The doctor will then evaluate her bust condition, look at its size and size of the mammary gland and assess the extent to which the breasts are dropped.
As a result of it, he recommends an appropriate reconstruction technique to show exactly what the breasts will do, how they will look and where the scars will be. He will also say how long healing and convalescence will last, what complications might occur and how the breast surgery itself actually takes place.

Problematic are cases of patients with breast cancer in the family. In some cases where the family is affected excessively, it is necessary to undergo gene examination first, and in some cases the result of such examination is a recommendation to remove the glands completely and subsequently to reconstruct the breast, e.g. using breast implants.
Diabetics and strong smokers may experience worsened healing. A few days before surgery, patients should not smoke; in severe cases of diabetes, the operation and subsequent postoperative period may be very risky.

Similarly, breast surgery cannot be performed on patients with acute and chronic diseases, herpes, impaired immunity, embolism, epilepsy, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and any ongoing disease, even if it is just a silly cough. Each disease weakens the body, and it is manifested in healing. Mammaplasty is a routine procedure, but at our clinic, we will not perform it on anybody whom we might expect serious post-operative complications with.

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Price start at 3200 EUR

FAQ ABOUT breast reconstruction

What should I do before breast augmentation?

To all patients over 35 years, women after repeated pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as those that are being treated for diseases of the mammary gland, it is recommended to undergo mammalogical breast examination. Mammalogist would discuss family history with you, and perform manual and ultrasound examination. This will exclude the presence of a tumor and make sure that you are not at risk of developing breast cancer. We and you will be calmer.
A few weeks before surgery, it is necessary to avoid enzyme preparations (e.g. Wobenzym), not use acetylsalicylic acid medicine and blood thinners (Acylpirin, Warfarin, Aspirin, Mironal, Neuralgen and others). You can keep taking contraceptives, they are not an issue.

Just before surgery (six hours) you must not eat, drink or smoke.

The GP will perform a standard pre-operative examination with an assessment of the current state including blood, urine, ECG and lung X-ray.

Once again, we stress that for a seamless recovery it is important to be absolutely healthy.

How does breast remodelling work?

Breast reshaping is performed in general anesthesia and the course varies based on the particular firming technique chosen, which is dependent on the stage of breast soreness before surgery and on the desired shape. The surgery usually lasts for an hour and a half up to two hours.
The scar depends on the type of surgery. With marginally sagging breasts, only the excess skin around the areola is removed, leaving only a small scar around the nipple. For more pronounced sagging, it is necessary to remove the skin at the bottom of the breast so an anchor-shaped scar is created. Either way, you have nothing to worry about. Each scar is as thin as a yarn and fades completely over time.

How long does the recovery take?

It varies from case to case, but the convalescence procedure is always the same. The next day the wounds are fixed and the drains are removed and you can go home. At home, however, it is essential that you rest and, above all, not raise your hands. On the fourth day after surgery, you will visit us for a new fix and after about 14 days since the surgery, we will remove stitches. Then it is possible to work normally and perform simple manual work.
However, we recommend caution even after several months. It is imperative to wear an elastic compression bra four weeks after reshaping, twenty days after it it is appropriate to start with pressure massages of the scars to quickly make them disappear.

A complete return to all physical and sports activities varies depending on how quick the breasts heal. Normally, we recommend that patients stop limiting their body two months after the procedure.