
Breast enlargement with implants

about the intervention

Breast enlargement with implants

Beautiful firm breasts, based on your idea, without compromise!

Are you bothered by small, asymmetrical or sagging breasts? Believe that there are many women with a similar fate in the world. Some have coped with smaller breasts, others have suffered a lifelong inferiority complex. If this is the case, come to us. Breast enlargement using implants (augmentation) is a routine procedure for us. We will form your breasts to be beautiful and give you your lost self-esteem back.

Is that exactly what bothers you? So worry not about it and visit us. At PRIMED Clinic we will find the optimal solution for you and help you get a beautiful and full bust you will not be embarrassed for!

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Breast Augmentation is one of the most routine treatments. Almost every woman gets into a situation during her life when she is no longer happy with her breasts. Some unfortunate women fight with this issue since their puberty, as they have grown breasts they did not imagine for themselves, others experience issues after having children or as they age.
The procedure is suitable for women whose breasts are:

- small,
- undeveloped,
- asymmetrical,
- slightly sagging.
Unfortunately, you will have to wait if you are planning to have a baby soon. You should not breastfeed at least 6 months before surgery and it is strongly recommended not to get pregnant at least a year since surgery. During pregnancy, breasts change, and so it could permanently change the resulting shape of your bust.

Of course, the choice is your own, but we recommend choosing a size to suit your body well. Also, consider larger implants may involve more complications and more difficult healing. In addition, they are heavier, so gravity has a greater effect on them, breasts will be sagging faster and a reoperation will be needed.
But no one will try to persuade you. If you like the look of larger breasts we will help you create them. Our goal is that you like yourself and we will do all we can for it.

Breast implants are divided into two basic types – round and anatomical. As the name suggests, round implants make the impression of rounded breasts. They suit some women well but to others, they may look too vulgar and unnatural. The anatomical implant is more natural, with a look of a droplet. The choice is yours, but we will be happy to advise you on what is best for your body and your chosen size.
At our clinic, we use implants of the American Mentor implant manufacturer.

Although the relationship between implants and the incidence of cancer are widely discussed, this assumption has never been proven. None of the implants we use are harmful to health. They do not release anything into the body, they are tough, flexible and comfortable to touch.

We have great results, check out our reviews!

Price start at 3 700 EUR

FAQ ABOUT breast enlargement with implants

What are we going to talk about when you come to us?

The basis is to solve the problem. Women often come to us while their bust is quite normal, they only have a bad feeling about it. For example, certain asymmetry is quite common, and even after augmentation, you will not have both two breasts looking exactly the same. The human body is not symmetrical.
Based on the problems described, we will settle on a suitable solution. Sometimes, if the client does not require radical modification, she eventually decides for autoaugmentation which is enlargement of breasts with own fat or breast modeling, which modifies only the shape.

We will discuss the appropriate solution and breast implants, the course of surgery and post-surgery care. Then we will settle on the date of your visit to the clinic for surgery.

Who will not be able to get breast plastic surgery?

An important condition is to be at least 18 years of age. Until then, the milk gland is still developing and surgery cannot be done.
Cases of patients with a history of breast cancer in their family are problematic. In some cases where the family is affected excessively, it is necessary to undergo gene examination first, and in some cases the result of such examination is a recommendation to remove the glands completely and subsequently to reconstruct the breast, e.g. using breast implants.

Contraindications include any illnesses (herpes, immunity disorder, epilepsy, acute or chronic illnesses). Longer healing can be experienced by diabetics and strong smokers. For this reason, it is better to quit smoking a few days before surgery. Unfortunately, we can not operate at all on strong diabetics as it would be too risky.

Of course, it is impossible to undergo surgery during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.

Can complications arise during breast augmentation?

Often, bleeding is minimized by the introduction of drains. Sometimes wound infection may happen against which we use antibiotics.
The only really serious problem that can happen is the so-called capsular contracture. It is essentially an increased tissue response to foreign matter in the body. A strong silicone bush is formed around the implant, there are changes in shape and it causes pain. We minimize this risk by using high-quality implants with a textured surface, selecting the appropriate implant size and operating techniques. You can help us through your own care, breast fixation with compression bra and massages.