

about the intervention


Pretty belly without flaccid skin, excess subcutaneous fat, and relaxed muscles!

Are you troubled by the skin of your belly and striae? You are not alone. Many other men and women suffer similar problems. It negatively affects their mental state, private life and enjoying yourself – most of them do not dare to go to a public swimming pool because they are too ashamed of their belly, but they can be helped quickly and easily with abdominal plastic surgery (abdominoplasty).

You know it very well? Come and visit us. At our clinic, we will examine your unpleasant situation and get rid of it.

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Abdominal plastic surgery (abdominoplasty) not only removes fat, it adjusts the structure of the abdominal muscles, and removes excess skin. It simply changes the shape of your belly for the better.
The principle of plastic surgery of the abdomen is to suture the distal abdominal muscles, strengthen them, then remove excess skin and subcutaneous fat from the abdominal area and stretch the skin to make it look nice. The appearance and size of the scar depend on the physical dispositions of the patient. As a rule, however, the scar is hidden under a piece of garment and is nearly invisible.

During liposuction only the fat is removed, it is, therefore, suitable if you still have elastic skin. This procedure is quite unpretentious and quite common nowadays, but sometimes it does not provide you with the result you expect.
If you are more troubled by the skin on your abdomen, abdominoplasty has better effects. During that, the subcutaneous part and the skin are removed. If the abdominal muscles are the cause of the problem, they are stitched together.

For miniabdominoplasty, unlike standard abdominoplasty, we remove only excess tissue under the navel and a thin scar only stays in the lower abdomen.
Miniabdominoplasty is a minor surgery, sometimes it can even be done under local anesthesia, or it can also be combined with liposuction.

It is usually performed after a delivery of a child.

We have great results, check out our reviews!

Price start at 3 400 EUR

FAQ ABOUT abdominoplasty

Can abdomen surgery help me?

If you see striae and excess skin on your stomach rather than fat, you are a good candidate. These problems occur most often as a result of:
- pregnancy (relaxed abdominal wall and skin almost always remain),
- significant weight changes.
That means it can be an issue for both men and women. This will probably amaze you, but men are mostly a little shy. Women are not so afraid to admit the imperfections of their bodies. But of course, you do not have to be frightened of us. Every day we see many patients who come to us with various issues. Our aim is to help you, not to judge you.

When do we not perform abdominal surgery?

During consultation with a doctor, you can decide that it would be better to undergo liposuction. In that case, be happy because it is a faster and easier procedure.
Abdominoplasty is risky for severe diabetics and smokers. It can also not be performed while ill with virosis or other acute illness, even if it is just the common flu. The sick body is weakened, the recovery would last longer. Therefore, it is better to wait for some time.

Logically, it can not be done during pregnancy, breastfeeding, for patients with epilepsy. For women, we recommend delaying the procedure until they are sure they no longer want another baby, the pregnancy would disrupt the results of the surgery. The results of the shaped abdomen are also lost when the body changes significantly. Otherwise, the procedure is permanent and does not need to be repeated.

Do I have to worry about complications?

Like any surgery, unfortunately, abdominal surgery can also cause common complications. We have in mind particularly infection, bleeding, thromboembolic disease or complicated wound healing.
You do not have to worry, however, the chance that something like that happens to you is small.

And if it happens, we can manage it and help you.