
The first liposuction clinic (since 1992)

The PRIMED Clinic of Aesthetic Surgery builds on the long-standing practice of the First Liposuction Clinic. The First Liposuction Clinic was indeed the first clinic practicing the most popular methods of liposuction in the Czech Republic. Its activity dates back to 1992.

Thus, we have more than a quarter of a century of experience and thousands of satisfied clients from all over the Czech Republic and many other countries.

The technology and medical procedures used in liposuction have of course moved forward by many leaps and bounds over the years. It goes without saying that we too are constantly improving, educating ourselves and purchasing ever more modern equipment to satisfy even the most demanding requirements and clients.

Since our clinic has more plastic surgeons, we have expanded our scope to other types of aesthetic procedures. And since we no longer focus only on liposuction, the First Liposuction Clinic has been incorporated into the PRIMED Clinic aesthetic surgery clinic. Nevertheless, liposuction or related lipoabdominoplasties are still our specialty and we are among the most experienced specialists in the Czech Republic.

The first liposuction clinic and the extensive experience of our specialists are at your disposal, whatever aesthetic problem you want to solve. Therefore, do not hesitate to make an appointment for a free, no-obligation consultation, where you will discuss with our specialist everything that bothers you and together you will find a solution that will lead to your desired goal.

Types of liposuction offered

Tumescent liposuction

Tumescent liposuction is undoubtedly the most well-known and probably the most desired aesthetic surgery.

This is a method of liposuction, which is carried out:

  • outpatient, i.e. without the need for hospitalization.

  • without the need for anaesthesia and under local anaesthesia.

  • painlessly. Only a small number of clients may occasionally experience minor discomfort that does not prevent the successful completion of the procedure.

The procedure is simple:

The sites to be drained are first drawn. They are then painlessly infused with a special solution that is numbing, dilutes the fat cells and constricts the blood vessels (so there is no bleeding during suction). The suction is performed with 3mm thin cannulas, so the entry wounds are not stitched - they heal with a tiny and almost invisible scar. During the operation, the client can stand up and the surgeon can check the evenness of the suctioned sites, or make a minor correction. This is not possible under anesthesia, which is why tumescent liposuction is much more effective.

During the operation, the client can watch TV, listen to music or have a snack.

After perfect extraction of fat from all the designated areas (up to 5l of pure fat can be extracted), we put on a relatively decent compression sleeve that is worn for 3-4 weeks. A tumescent fluid of a pinkish colour with residual fat and fat cells oozes from the small wounds for 6-24 hours after the procedure.

why entrust yourself to our care?


Our doctors are experts in their field


More than 30 years of experience

Individual approach

The comfort of every client is important to us


In our apartment we have beautiful newly renovated rooms where you will feel at home


Did you know that some celebrities also come to us?

You didn't know, because we are completely discreet and we never publish this information anywhere (unless we agree otherwise with the client). Therefore, you can trust us too. Your satisfaction is our first priority.